Monthly Archives: April 2009

…and i’m done!

Thai red curry? Check! A piece of advice for anyone out there who enjoys thai curries and cooks – find yourself a thai restaurant or store with minimal english. Look for curry pastes with the same minimal or no english. … Continue reading

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the good, the okay, the ugly…

i’m sweating. it’s totally gross in our apartment. but i’m cooking. it’s just one of those weekends – between the packing, moving, unpacking, i haven’t had time to play in the kitchen. and while i’m exhausted, i’m cooking. today i … Continue reading

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Hazelnut Mocha Chip Protein Muffins

So…I haven’t felt so hot today, but I’ve had an itch to bake. Having finally picked up spelt flour at Whole Foods last week, I decided on Eggface’s protein muffins. But, I was looking for something a bit more decadent … Continue reading

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mixed results

So I’m feeling the desire to get moved sooner (meaning next weekend) rather than later. Except that I do not want to pack. I picked up four egg boxes from Key Foods today and I’ve packed one full, the other … Continue reading

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Another foodie post for me! Tortilla pizza a la Eggface1 tortilla (this is burrito sized because that’s all I can find around here, Mission low carb/whole wheat)tomato sauce – I used Newman’s Own tomato basillots of cheese – I used … Continue reading

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